

Hi! I’m CaSondra. I’m weird. I cuss. I don’t apologize for who I am.

There are a few reasons I started a candle company. First, I absolutely love candles and have a stock pile. I started off by trying to recreate the perfect lavender scent I smelled one day. Once I found it, I had gone down a rabbit hole and it led into whipping up small batch candles out of my apartment kitchen like a mad scientist. Second, I really like to repurpose things and so I started up-cycling everything I could. Third, I wanted to do more to give back in my community. I donate a percent of my profit to local mutual aid and non-profit groups who support disenfranchised residents here in Charlotte. Giving back and supporting others is really important in what I do and what I stand for.

The name: LIGHT THIS BITCH CANDLE CO…. listen I want you to burn your mother fucking candles, warm up your home, and let the scent take you to your happy place!!! Burn that bitch! There is also a second meaning of the name and that is one of empowerment to go against the systems in place that continue to hurt specific communities. I do everything with intention and those who know/support me and my brand is to stand up and speak out for others. I don’t condone setting anything on fire, except the wicks, but I want people to see my brand as one that bucks the system and puts in support where it is needed. One on one. Hand in hand. My brand is a reminder to question systemic ideology and just work to create a better environment for every fucking body to live in. Light some hope for the future. As far as individual scent names… well those vary on the vibes the scent puts off. They are usually aggressive or sexual/sensual in nature. Sorry - NOT sorry! ;)

With love and smell goods. -CaSondra